Clear obstacles on your way to growth.

We’ve helped a lot of companies create new business. We noticed that we create value for COO’s by making the process behind it clear and formal. So that teams working on new business find focus and are held accountable.

We’re looking into helping more COO’s get a grip on their companies innovation process. If you’re a COO yourself you can help us achieve that goal.

This is how we’ll proceed: we organise one joint workshop where we identify what is specifically needed for your organisation to take control of your innovation process.

After that workshop you’ll have the insight how we as innovation experts would proceed if we were in your shoes. In return we ask for you honest feedback.

Our practical metdhod, based on real work in the field: 

***** Define Ideate Experiment Learn Iterate Sprint Planning Execution Sprint Backlog *****

Find and validate true client needs

Find and validate a fitting solution

Build and grow the solution

Scale and integrate

Workshops performed by Osmosis partners that previously worked at: